If you’ve been online for any length of time, you’ve probably seen marketers promoting Numis Network left and right. You may even be thinking about becoming a Numis Network distributor. Before you pull the trigger and shell out money to your sponsor, I want to encourage you to take a moment to read this entire review so you’ll be more equipped to make an educated decision. I also want to disclose that I’m not a Numis Network distributor so you can be sure that you’ll be getting an unbiased review.
Who Is Numis Network And What Do They Sell?
Numis Network is a company that sells graded, silver and gold numismatic coins through a network marketing business model. The company was founded two years ago and is based in Tampa, Florida. The founders include Ian Cordell, Christopher Kent and Jake Kevorkian. All three gentlemen have been heavily involved in the direct sales industry for many years. In 2001, Cordell and Kent started a company called International Direct Selling Technology Corporation (IDSTC), which actually designs compensation plans for other network marketing companies. And Kent and Kevorkian have built huge downlines in separate companies. In addition to the founders, the company also has Mike Mezack heading the sales and education components of the company. Mezack has been considered by many as the number one numismatic salesman in the world, selling more than one billion in coins over the past twenty years.
From a product standpoint, the company sells numismatic coins individually or in box sets. From a marketing standpoint, distributors can get their monthly coin autoship for free if they personally refer three autoship customers. Also, the company provides a five-year buy-back guarantee. To Numis Network’s credit, I believe they have the only autoship product in the industry that you can sell back to the company after five years. These are all pluses if you’re seriously thinking about becoming a distributor.
How Do You Make Money With Numis Network?
As far as the actual business opportunity goes, you can become a distributor by purchasing a starter kit and coin for a little under $500 and then maintaining a monthly autoship. There are several ways to get paid including retail commissions, $100 Fast Start Bonuses, Rank Advancement Bonuses up to $50,000, Binary Commissions to the tune of 10-12% and Matching Pay. In addition, the company has a Silver BMW Program for people who hit the position of 6-Star. The compensation plan can be quite lucrative for the right person. My advice is to do a little of your own due diligence so you know how the promotions work and what you have to do to move through the compensation plan.
Is Numis Network A Good Business Opportunity?
In closing, Numis Network looks like a solid company with a good business opportunity. The founders have a ton of experience, the product has real value and the compensation plan is very generous. However, those things will not guarantee success for you. At the end of the day, your ability to sponsor new distributors to your organization will be the biggest factor to your success. My recommendation is use Attraction Marketing to brand yourself and generate online leads. If you can use Attraction Marketing online and combine it with effective offline marketing, you can very well be on your way to building a highly prosperous home business for yourself.