Think security, think safety. Your life, investment, family, loved ones, community, state and country must be protected, must be secured. They matter the most to you.
But, as you know, security and insecurity begins from the minds of people and spread over time to others.
So, you are expected to be careful on what you think, say or do at any point in time, boasts less, be unpredictable in your movement, carry less cash, and install security gadgets in your homes and offices.
Why? Well, the good or bad we do to ourselves or others return sooner or later to us even with interests.
Nothing is lost, it manifest at the appointed time either in this life or the next. This is an immutable law that cannot be manipulated.
Robbers, murderers, kidnappers, fraudsters, terrorists, militants and other criminal elements are not ghost.
They are human beings like you and I. They live and interact with us, daily.
Therefore, to secure your valuables, you need to partner with the police and other security agencies, silently.
Do, you know the telephone numbers of the nearest police station in your area?
I cannot bet that some residents of Lagos know the phones numbers of the nearest police station in their areas.
The police are not magicians. You know your family and neighborhood more than the best police detective around.
Partnership between the police and residents of communities will do the magic. It could bring about the two working together to bring about security.
But, the police need information, tips or leads on what is going on in your house, compound, street, community, state and the nation.
Give them information as silently as possible and you are on a partnership deal with the security agencies.
Why am I writing this? Simple. In Lagos, Nigeria, suspected cultists have been on rampage in recent times. They killed and maimed with reckless abandon.
Yet, the various communities these cultists codename Badoo boys have been operating have residents, community leaders, artisans, union leaders, police officers and police stations.
In this era of quick communication, each time the cultists strike in the dead of the night, people are killed or maimed and yet others do not care to call the police.
If crimes persist in a community for a long time, it is either the community is weak, do not know what to do, is part and parcel of the crimes or the security agents in charge of the community have compromised.